Turks and Caicos (April 2015)

My spouse and I visited the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCIs) in late April of 2014. Because I started a new job in January (after working as a contractor for three months prior), I hadn't accrued much vacation time, and with a longer trip planned for September to the Balkans, we were looking for a short 4-day getaway so as not to use all my vacation time. The TCIs seemed to fit the bill, particularly because they were a non-stop flight from Newark, and at that time, flights were scheduled daily. (The schedule has since been reduced.)

Friday April 24: We departed Newark for Providenciales in mid-morning, arriving around 1:00 pm. After clearing immigration and customs, we jumped in a taxi to our resort, the Seven Stars. We had a phenomenal room (which we expected, because we were paying full-price for it!) We relaxed a bit on the beach, before enjoying a late lunch at the beachside restaurant, followed by a walk to the nearby grocery store for supplies. After another quick trip to the beach, we dressed for dinner at Coyaba.

Saturday April 25: For our first full day, after breakfast at Seven, we enjoyed some beach time. We walked to The Vix for a late lunch, followed by dinner at Coco Bistro.

Sunday April 26: On our second (and last!) full day, after breakfast at Seven, we enjoyed some pool time. We walked to Danny Buouy's for lunch, followed by dinner at Infiniti/Fin/Anacoana.

Monday April 27: After an early breakfast at Seven, I enjoyed a bit of pool time before we had to leave for the airport to return home.

The water on the island of Providenciales is some of the bluest that we have ever seen, and the sand the whitest. We loved the location of our hotel in Grace Bay; even without a car, we could walk to shops and restaurants. It would be hard not to return to the same approximate location next time. It was a relaxing short getaway that we desperately needed!



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